Pets Are Family, Too!This Project Heart Beats, Pets Are Family, Too!, is a great way to inspire kids to give back based on something so many of them are already passionate about. It is another way you can sprinkle... WAKE Up!Hopefully by now you are thinking about Project Heart Beats for a variety of topics since they are easy activities you can use to sprinkle philanthropy throughout educational experiences. Even our... Heart for UkraineThis Project Heart Beats, Heart for Ukraine, is a special edition in response to requests from teachers and parents looking for ways to help their kids process what's happening in... A Premature ProblemWe believe that everyone can be a philanthropist who can change our world and make it better. Even our youngest community members can see needs or problems then use their 3Ts (time, talent and... Kindness MattersWe believe that everyone and anyone can be a philanthropist who can change our world and make it better. That is why we created Project Heart and offer it for free to educators around the world... Project Heart for the Middle Grades...Project Heart for PBL and SEL in the Middle Grades (3rd-7th) How do you "...capitalize on students' innate abilities to give back and help them put their hearts to work in amazing ways to become... Middle School Entrepreneurship and Project Heart The Value of Christian Ludwig Find me on Twitter @CRLudwig Entrepreneurship is not always about selling something to make money or create economic value. Instead, an entrepreneurial... Podcast: Empathy and Project HeartOur Impact and Education Director, Sarah, worked on an amazing series focused on a book by Dr. Michelle Borba called, "Unselfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About- Me World." The... Empathy and Project Heart: #9 Altruistic...WHAT IS ALTRUISTIC LEADERSHIP? Welcome to the final blog in our series all about the “9 Essential Habits that Give Kids the Empathy Advantage” and Dr. Michele Borba’s book Unselfie: Why Empathetic... Empathy and Project Heart: #8 Moral Courage WHAT IS MORAL COURAGE ? Welcome to the eight of 10 blogs in our series all about the “9 Essential Habits that Give Kids the Empathy Advantage” and Dr. Michele Borba’s book Unselfie: Why...