The UNSDGs are an incredible framework for... Ever dreamt of turning your classroom into a launching pad for global good? Do you envision your learning space being a hub of transformation for your community and your students? Have you always... Being solution-oriented is crucial in STEM... Happy National Innovation Day! February is National Innovation Day, a day created to inspire young people to be creators and innovators! Leveraging powerful learning models to... We believe every student has the power to be a world-changer; they just need the tools, guidance and encouragement to ignite their passion to make a difference . That's why Project Heart... Giving Sounds So Sweet! Taylor Swift –... When you think of one of the world’s most famous and talented recording artists, who comes to mind? Two words: Taylor Swift. Singer, songwriter, performer, actress, and Grammy winner – Taylor’s... Spread Holiday Cheer and Spark Year-Round... The holidays are a time for warmth, family, and of course, giving! How entrepreneurship and philanthropy work... The OtterCares Foundation was founded with the purpose of instilling two principles in young people: entrepreneurship and philanthropy. These seemingly separate concepts are rooted in the same... November is National Philanthropy Month! When we think of November, a lot of images come to mind. Falling leaves, crisp autumn air, Thanksgiving break... But did you know that November is National Philanthropy Month? Character education and philanthropy... We know that academic success alone does not define a student's journey. Being successful surpasses what happens within the confines of a classroom. And what makes a person successful is more... Leverage Make a Difference Day 2024 to... Mark those calendars! National Make a Difference Day is Saturday, October 26th, 2024 and is the perfect day to help your students learn more about being givers who make an impact in their... The Design Thinking Process is a natural part... When you are trying to solve a problem, where do you start? Do you tackle a problem without thinking about a plan? Do you look for solutions without understanding how to make those solutions...