Make a Difference on Make a Difference Day

September 25, 2024

Mark those calendars!

National Make a Difference Day is Saturday, October 26th, 2024 and is the perfect day to help your students learn more about being givers who make an impact in their communities!

Why Make a Difference Day Matters

Make a Difference Day is focused on celebrating the small acts that make a big difference in the lives of others in our community. This annual day of service is all about giving back and making a positive impact on our communities. The Day helps remind everyone that making a difference doesn't have to be a huge act - making a difference starts by making small, intentional acts with positive intentions!

Make a Difference Day also:

  • Teaches Compassion: Engaging students in service projects helps them understand the needs of others and develop a sense of caring.
  • Promotes Civic Engagement: Make a Difference Day is a springboard to discuss local issues and encourage students to become active members of their communities.
  • Builds Teamwork: Working together on service projects strengthens collaboration skills and teaches the power of collective action.
  • Boosts Self-Esteem: Contributing to a cause greater than themselves gives students a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Project Heart and Make a Difference Day: The Perfect Combination!

Project Heart provides K-12 educators with lots of fun and free resources to make celebrating Make a Difference Day into your classroom a breeze! Here's how to get started:

  • Register to Access Project HeartWith just a few quick steps, you'll have access to the entire suite of Project Heart lesson, resources and activities that you can integrate into your unique learning environment.
  • Jump into Meaningful Lessons: We've created age-appropriate lessons that address empathy and service learning. These plans outline engaging activities and discussion prompts to help your students understand the importance of giving back.
  • Find Easy Service Project Ideas: Explore service project ideas that cater to various interests and abilities. From organizing food drives for local shelters to creating care packages for veterans, the possibilities are endless!
  • Choose Fun Activities to Engage Your Students: From creating blessing bags, to writing kindness cards, we have activities designed to engage students in hands-on activities that will have a meaningful impact in the lives of others.

Making a Difference: Big or Small

Remember, every act of service counts! We all have 3Ts - time, talent and treasure - that we can use to make a difference.  Here are some simple ideas for creating an impactful Make a Difference Day experience:

  • Organize a classroom clean-up drive and donate the collected items to a local shelter.
  • Write letters to hospitalized children or elderly in nursing homes.
  • Hold a coin fundraiser for a cause your students care about, like endangered species or local animal shelters.
  • Organize a neighborhood park cleanup or community garden planting day.

Make a Difference Day is a powerful opportunity to cultivate kindness and equip students to make a positive change in the world. With Project Heart's resources by your side, you can transform your classroom into a hub for service learning and foster a generation of compassionate leaders!


Let's start planning your Make a Difference Day adventure and, together, let's make a difference, one kind act at a time!