March 08, 2021

Christian Ludwig, a middle school teacher at VIDA in San Diego, adapted Project Heart to meet the needs of his classes with a student-run business (RWS EdCorps in this case). We hope you will find inspiration to make Project Heart work for your class or group of students.

Educators can tailor their Project Heart experience to meet their specific needs. Whether you are…
- A teacher looking to weave philanthropy into what you’re already teaching (like Mr. Ludwig)…
- Need more pathways for making social emotional connections among and with students…
- Looking for a powerful warm-up or sponge activity for your students…
- Wanting to provide a thought-provoking wrap-up activity that ties to history today…
- Looking for a meaningful activity to implement for next level mastery (aka early-finishers)…
- Implementing an extra-curricular engagement before-school or after-school…
- Wanting to meaningfully engage your whole group while you work with a small group on core content…
- Deciding on a kick-off or culminating project that builds excitement within your students…
Project Heart is your answer!
Learners will…
- Know how to define philanthropy as it relates to their personal passions, time, talent and treasure.
- Incorporate philanthropic thinking into their daily lives.
- Understand the function of various nonprofits – locally, nationally and globally.
- Feel confident pitching their ideas to gain support.
- Work with a collaborative group to execute a plan to meet needs.
- Design a marketing approach to execute an impact project.
- Set SMART goals to achieve positive impact.
- Document and celebrate an impact project, with an eye toward continual improvement.
The Project Heart program is designed to be flexible in meeting the needs of the teachers that utilize it in their classrooms. From start to finish, the program can be ideally introduced and implemented in 10 weeks (one lesson per week). Depending on the size and scope of the classroom project, the time required to complete may vary. With lessons averaging 20-30 minutes, Project Heart can fit easily into your weekly or bi-weekly schedule.
You can get access to the entire Project Heart program for middle school by clicking here and start inspiring your students to be change-makers today!