Project Heart for middle school grades inspires students to use their talents and passions to address a need they see in their communities, all while encouraging collaboration and teamwork to make a difference.
How do I use Project Heart?
Implementing Project Heart in the middle school classroom is easy! Whether you have an elective devoted to service learning, a student council group or an after school club, this curriculum is straightforward and easily adaptable. Educators and parents who implement Project Heart with a group or a class tend to embody the qualities quickly, developing an empathy advantage that transcends just that group. We see students more aware of others’ needs around them and more willing to use their time and talents to solve problems with a little more kindness than before.

How does Project Heart work?
Using Project Heart, teachers tap into middle school students’ craving for social connection by teaching how to do philanthropy together. By connecting philanthropy to their everyday lives, students engage in creating personal mission statements, setting goals, and then coming together to accomplish a service project by the final lesson. The companion series of 90 microlearnings are aligned to the larger series of lessons, making them perfect for promoting higher order thinking in warm-ups or reflections.
Want to try Project Heart? Click below to get a free mini lesson to use in your classroom!
Ready to use the full philanthropy program? Click below to register and get access Project Heart!
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