The Denver Rescue Mission has numerous locations across Colorado including:
- Lawrence Street Shelter (Denver)
- Lawrence Street Community Center (Denver) providing people experiencing homelessness a safe place to stay during the day
- The Crossing (Denver) hosting programs to help families and individuals develop the life skills and relationships needed to maintain self-sufficiency
- Ministry Outreach Center (Denver) including a food pantry and clothing/furniture distribution to those in need
- Administration and Education Center (Denver) including special classrooms for the educational aspects of their programming
- Fort Collins Rescue Mission (Fort Collins) serving the needs of people experiencing homeless in Northern Colorado through meals, shelter and assistance toward self-sufficiency
- Harvest Farm (Wellington) - a 100-acre farm providing the opportunity for up to 72 men to achieve self-sufficiency through the New Life Program
- 48th Ave Center (Denver) partnering with the City of Denver to operate this shelter throughout the year
Mission: Denver Rescue Mission is changing lives in the name of Christ by meeting people at their physical and spiritual points of need with the goal of returning them to society as productive, self-sufficient citizens.
The Denver Rescue Mission has provided 1,015731 meals and 351,471 nights of shelter.