Famous Philanthropists: LeBron James

July 18, 2024

Who's 6'9" tall, weighs 250lbs, is one of the most prolific scorers in NBA history with over 38,000 points and has a huge heart for giving?

Two words:

LeBron. James.

Since breaking onto the court over 20 years ago, LeBron has consistently broken the mold of professional basketball excellence. With career highs, record-breaking point scoring and overall dominance in several positions on the court, King James is one of the greats. 

But, once upon a time, LeBron was a kid growing up in Akron, Ohio. And that is something he holds near to his heart when he generously gives to make a difference.

Erik Drost, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
How LeBron Gives

LeBron and his family give generously through the LeBron James Family Foundation. Through this organization, LeBron focuses on investing time and resources into the kids and families of Akron through education, creating positive generational change.

The LeBron James Family Foundation has four programs that are focused on four pillars of impact:

Courtesy of the LeBron James Family Foundation

The LeBron James Family Foundation does incredible work in the Akron community. The organization's signature initiative is the I Promise Program. These are just some ways this program is changing the lives of families and students in Akron.

Academic Support:

  • "Wheels for Education" rewards high-performing 3rd graders with bikes and helmets, along with continued support throughout their academic careers.
  • After-school programs provide tutoring and mentorship to help students stay on track.
  • College prep workshops prepare students for higher education applications and financial aid.

Family Support:

  • The I Promise program works with families to ensure housing security through its transitional housing program, I Promise Village, and its permanent housing initiative, I Promise Housing.
  • The program offers food security resources and connects families with job training and financial literacy programs through House Three Thirty, a community center.

College and Career Readiness:

  • The LeBron James Family Foundation has pledged over $41 million in scholarships to ensure I Promise students have the opportunity to pursue higher education.
  • The program offers career counseling and connects students with internship and job shadowing opportunities.
  • The I Promise program is a holistic approach that recognizes that a student's success hinges on more than just what happens in the classroom.
All-Pro Reels, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Leveraging LeBron's Philanthropy to Inspire Your Students

LeBron is an athletic icon that most kids picture when they think about athletes they admire. Because of his incredible influence on and off, LeBron is an excellent role model to introduce not only as an exceptional athlete and entrepreneur, but also as a world-changing philanthropists. 

Here are some ways you can use LeBron James' philanthropy as inspiration for your students:

  • Community Service Projects: Have your students research local organizations that need help. Organize a class service project or volunteer drive related to an issue James cares about, such as food security or access to education.
  • Change Agents Project: Challenge students to identify a problem in their school or community and brainstorm solutions. This could involve fundraising, raising awareness, or creating a petition, inspired by James' dedication to creating positive change.
  • "I Promise" Day: Dedicate a day to exploring the concept of giving back. Students can research philanthropists, interview community leaders, or create presentations about causes they care about, following James' lead in identifying their own passions for giving back.

LeBron's story of giving helps students understand that, no matter who we are or where we come from, we all have the ability to help others and make a difference in the lives of others simply by finding ways to connect our passions and talents to the needs of the world around us.